Classified Ads
Classified line advertising is available within the State Bar News Section of the Bar Journal.
Note: Each classified listing includes a bold heading free of charge. For example, “Delaware Counsel,” “Appeals, Motions & Research,” “Professional Announcement,” etc. Indicate if you want the ad to run under the Lawyer-to-Lawyer Referral banner, Lawyer Resource Directory, or General Classified.
Lawyer-to-Lawyer Referral: Are you an attorney with a particular area of expertise—such as disability insurance, appeals, out-of-state real estate, or veterans’ issues?
Lawyers Resource Directory: Do you offer resources lawyers need every day—such as incorporation services, expert witnesses, research services, and the like?
Classified: Do you offer financial planning and advice, sell office equipment, have a venue for meetings, or have office space for sale or rent? Or, does your firm have a professional announcement to share with our membership?
Member $150/50 words; $1 each additional
Nom-Member $200/50 words; $1 each additional
Classified ads are non-commissionable and payment must accompany insertion order. Emailed copy required.

Sales contact: Holly Klarman 410-584-1960 |