NYSBA 2024 Partnership Conference
September 25-26th, 2024 | Albany Capital Center
NYSBA's Partnership Conference is the premier civil legal services educational and networking conference attended by leaders of civil legal service organizations and private law firms from across New York State.
Individuals and groups from all corners of the state travel to Albany, NY every other year to attend the conference, earn continuing legal education credits, and attend the Denison Ray Civil Awards dinner to honor attorneys', directors', and nonprofits' extraordinary leadership and commitment to access to justice. Past events have drawn nearly 700 attendees from across NY state. The attendees included practicing staff attorneys, associates, managing partners, partners and solo practitioners.

The conference will provide workshops covering a diverse range of subjects, including program innovation and management, technology and substantive legal topics (immigration, foreclosure, domestic violence, government benefits, and housing, among others).

Exhibit Space
Standard Table Space Rates:
Early Bird Rate: $1,000 (until 2/15/24)
Standard Rate: $1,200
Civil Legal Service Organization Rate: $950
Standard Table Space Includes:
6’ table and 2 chairs
2 full conference passes (includes lunch)
2 drink tickets per table worker for opening night cocktail reception
Lunch provided both days
Logo inclusion* in pre-conference messaging, registered attendee messaging and post conference thank you messaging
Logo inclusion in October issue of the Pro Bono Newsletter thanking exhibitors and sponsors
Logo inclusion on website
Logo inclusion in the printed Partnership Program
10% discount on advertising space in the Partnership Program.
Tickets for the Awards dinner are not included and are a separate tickets event available for purchase
*Logo inclusion will begin as soon as a contract is signed. The earlier an organization signs on, the more inclusions the NYSBA can deliver.
Sponsorship Opportunities

Tote Bag
Tote bag will be produced by NYSBA and include sponsor logo and NYSBA logo. Sponsor will be allowed (1) insert in the bag. Item should be pre-shipped to NYSBA 45 days prior to the conference.

WiFi Sponsor
Sponsor wireless internet with the ability to select the password. Receive branding on table tent signs which will be located throughout conference announcing the wi-fi password.

T-Shirt Sponsor
$4,000 for single sponsor; $2,750 each for co-sponsors
T-shirts will be either blue or a white; Printed two color, front only.

Opening Night Cocktail Reception
$4,000 for single sponsor; $2,750 for two co-sponsors
NYSBA will host an Opening Night Reception on September 25th, following the 4pm Plenary Session at the Albany Capital Center. The reception is immediately followed by the awards dinner. The reception is held in the exhibitor area on the main floor of the Capital Center.
Sponsorship Includes:
If the sponsor is not an exhibitor, a small table for the sponsor(s) will be placed near the main bar for promotional materials.
Logo inclusion on all pre-event promotion of the Cocktail Reception including the Conference Program if reserved by 7/2/2024.
Signage on-site promoting and thanking your company. May be printed and/or digital signage.
An allotment of additional drink tickets to be handed out to attendees.
The reception will include a selection of beer, wine, soft drinks, tea, and seltzers. Various stationary appetizers may be served.
Ads in Partnership Program
Full Page $1,200
1/2 page $800
1/4 page $650
Back Cover $1,500
All ads are in color
Full Page no bleed 7.5” X 10”
½ Page Horizontal only 7.5” X 4.88”
¼ Page 3.63” X 4.88”
August 2, 2024
Civil Legal Service Organizations receive 20% discount off published rates.